About Us

Liz swimming provides both Learn to Swim and Squad programs only for primary school ages kids. Our team encourages kids to take risks in a supervised environment. Our progress is always made at an individual’s challenge.

We educate kids to do things seriously, classes are not meant to be a walk in the park, no pain no gain, always under appropriate pressure. Fun will be found after skill improvement.

A learn to swim program will give kids water awareness, personal safety, swimming skills, and a lifetime’s enjoyment.

Your kids will achieve swimming techniques and water safety knowledge, build up physical and mental ability, obey the group principle and be a team member.

Squad programs attract kids who can swim full laps. Swimmers will participate in competitions to ensure their confidence and ability.

Our team respects parents’ every penny, minute, experience, and enthusiasm. Our team promises you that you will be paid back by your kid’s performance.

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